Find hope and healing.

The pain of miscarriage or early loss can be excruciating. Waves of sadness run deep and overwhelm you for moments, days and, many times, years. Through this program, I will meet you each day to help you handle the pain and different emotions that arise with grief. 
Join The Program for $297

Meet Abigail Glass, MFT

This is a subject that remains deep in my heart as it does for so many women that I know.
I would like to help anyone that might benefit from getting support around a miscarriage. Maybe it happened yesterday and maybe it happened 30 years ago. 
I’m Abigail Glass. I have been a marriage and family therapist for over 20 years and working in the area of miscarriage and early loss for 15 years. 
Miscarriage is so hard for many to talk about and the result is isolated suffering. 
I am on a mission to bring  support, a voice and light to this topic that so often stays hidden in the tears of women alone in their bedrooms.
I suffered through several miscarriages and I would have done anything to have someone tell me what to do with myself and to help me move through it.
Over time, I developed exercises and rituals that helped me get through my losses. I learned about patterns that occur and I figured out how to function within myself and in the outside world in a healthy way. 
I have put together a 30-day program that is everything that I did and everything that I wish I had had someone to guide me through. 
I get to show up with you or someone you know, that knows miscarriage, each day for 30 days. 
I will give you exercises, tools and education that can help you and bring relief in the moments ahead.

What the program includes.

30 Days of Videos

Brief daily videos provide digestible amounts of information

An Online Community

A private supportive online Facebook group to share your work if you choose

Exercises and Tools

Work that will continue to serve you in your life for years to come

I want to help guide you through this experience.

While each woman's experience is unique, this program was created using the same work I've successfully provided for women in my private practice moving them from grief to hope for over 20 years. Join me and let's start your path to hope today. 

Lifetime Program Access


  • 30-day miscarriage program
  • supportive online community
  • expert tools and exercises
  • unlimited access to complete program
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Over 20 years of experience to support you for 30 days and beyond.

This program is the loving culmination of 20 plus years of personal and professional experience handling miscarriage and early loss. Over time I created and learned all of these ways for myself as I healed. I have applied it all with my clients for many years. I am grateful to every woman that has trusted me and I honor every baby that has passed.

All of this experience is how this program grew into a pathway for me to guide you through 30 days of brief videos.

Each day and each video will bring you a few minutes that guide you with wonderful exercises, tools, conversations and knowledge on your path to healing and hope.

As you have these experiences and learn to use these tools, they will continue to serve you for years to come.



Peace of mind and healing of the heart is a process.

This program was created to help you find relief, move through your miscarriage and heal from deep grief. This is about honoring your baby and your process, along with getting support and healing. I can't wait for you to move through this program and feel comfortable handling your emotions, interacting with your family and community, honoring your loss and finding hope. 

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